Appropriate Projects is an initiative of Water Charity, which believes that access to safe water is a human right and fights to insure that people around the world have access to clean drinking water. They work with the more than 8000 Peace Corps Volunteers stationed in more than 74 countries around the globe to help make their mission possible.
Once a project is approved by Appropriate Projects, they send the money to the volunteer immediately which insures that the community never has to wait for fundraising efforts. The fundraising, instead, takes place on the back end, after the project has started and sometimes after it has already finished!
This blog/website tracks the progress of Opika House, including installation of the infrastructure for this well. But, we still need your financial support.
Please consider giving to Appropriate Projects in support of our water project. Visit Our Project on the Appropriate Projects website or by going to: www.appropriateprojects.com/node/606. There you may pay using PayPal.