He also put a steal door on the basement. Unfortunately, people have been known to steal such things as pumps (actually, a gas stove was stolen from someone's house last year - and that was no easy feat!). So, we are trying to be careful, particularly since the house remains vacant. Tomorrow, they will begin laying the pipes and the electric i
"You know Shelia," Iryna said to me, "We have to get this done before winter. I cannot think about ___ living at the stadium again this winter. It is very possible she coul
"How much will it cost to do everything we have to do to make the house livable?" I asked.
She thought about it awhile and replied, "Maybe $8000."
I had previously suggested we approach a national firm, called "New Line," and ask them to donate new windows and doors. They had provided such donations for another project on which I had worked and this seemed just as noble a project. So, I brought up this idea again.
I could see the wheels turning in her head. I thought maybe she was doubting me; she never believed volunteers would dig that trench and they did!
"Iryna," I said, "I cannot think of a better cause than providing for homeless, orphaned youth; besides, the worst they can say is 'no'."
She replied, "You know if we are going to build that second building in the future, we should think about asking them for a larger window on that opposite wall, instead of two small ones where we will put the other building."
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