This is a big step forward for us, because it means that we can begin work inside the house while winter is still doing its best to keep bundled up and in our warm houses! We shall have to wait until the ground thaws to put in the water lines, but the well is ready to start pumping water.
It is so very exciting to see things start to come together. My time in Peace Corps ends June 28th and I would really love to see this house occupied before I leave. I can already imagine the little bare feet pattering around the yard as moms weed the garden. My husband and I are donating our refrigerator, a mattress and as many things as possible from our own place to help get the place started.
The wiring must be completely redone, a water line and pump installed, and the bathroom and kitchen prepared before th
e girls can move in.
The bathroom will require quite a bit of infrastructure - including a toilet, tub, sink, tile, etc. The kitchen has a stove pipe, but a stove is needed as gas and water lines. I recently put in for a small grant to an organization called "Appropriate Projects" for the installation of the water line, pump, and kitchen sink. This grant is for $500; I will let you know later how this turns out!
The bathroom will require quite a bit of infrastructure - including a toilet, tub, sink, tile, etc. The kitchen has a stove pipe, but a stove is needed as gas and water lines. I recently put in for a small grant to an organization called "Appropriate Projects" for the installation of the water line, pump, and kitchen sink. This grant is for $500; I will let you know later how this turns out!
Lest you fear you upon my departure (five months from now) you will cease to know about this project, as many of you know, my heart is forever tied to this place and so this blog will continue to live on as will my work with Opika for as long as I have breath in me. And of course, Max and I hope to be able to return to Perechyn occasionally.
Check back to see more about the work of Opika and Opika House! And, make your contribution today!
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